Saturday, June 14, 2008

There's a Secret to Internet Marketing...

That many of you may or may not know, but's spreading and people are learning how to market the right way.

It's People...You'd be surprised how much you could learn off each other. Every new person you meet that either has his/her home business or is into Internet Marketing is another person who could provide you inspirational or a wealth of advice that could change your business situation forever! Especially if the advice or tips are free!

I'm not here to sell you guys anything. I'm here to help any and everyone who may be interested in getting some mentoring or guidance with their marketing. Because there is one thing I've noticed about everyone here who is trying to grow their business on these social networks, like MySpace. And what I see a lot is people trying to throw their product, banners, link, business opportunities, etc in everyone's face that they meet. All that does is scare them off and they'll never communicate with you again. Another thing...quit boasting about how much money you've made or have because of your businesses success. People love money, but ridiculous claims scare people. Pictures with cash in your hand, claiming to make ridiculous amounts of $$ in one just pushes people away, because it's intimidating and it automatically puts up the "Scam Flag" on your page or business opp.

Anyway, I just recently ran into a successful home business owner/entrepreneur that has decided to take me under his wing and mentor me all the way through my marketing journey. I've learned quite a bit on how to market since then...the right way. This business is about people and people is who you need to be successful in this industry. Build relationships with everyone you meet and do not try and sell them your business or product right after they have just said "Hi". You'll never hear from them again.

Feel free to comment or ask me ANY questions. I'm always around ;)

Take care and Good Luck!

Adam Skype: aramirez83
You can also find me on MySpace and Facebook

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