Tuesday, July 1, 2008

4 Must Do's in the Beginning to Make Money and Be Successful Online

During our weekly Sunday cookout that I have in my backyard, I was thinking about some key ways or "must do's" if you want to make any real money on the internet and I remembered what I had read before and started applying myself. If you think about it, it all makes sense, so here it is:

1. Create and publish a Capture Page. It really doesn't matter what your niche or product is, you need a page that brands yourself and puts you out there as a leader. This page shouldn't mention any of your business opportunites at all. It should just be brief, personal and state what your mission is online and that should be to help others and provide them with value. This page should have a web form where people who visit this page can opt-in to request your newsletter,in exchange for something free and brings value to them, of course.

2. Speaking of bringing value...this newsletter or capture page you setup must only share valuable information to all who sign up, that way you put yourself out there as a person of value and someone who cares. This way your readers are looking forward to your next message and not clicking the "Unsubscribe" link at the bottom of the emails.

3. This new capture page and newsletter you started must have an autoresponder service that will deliver these messages to all your subscribers. You are only one person and can't possibly be at your computer at every minute of your life. There may be people who find your page and "opt-in" subscribing to your new newsletter and you want to have a message from yourself sent to them right away to show that you are there always. It just looks better to send an immediate message to them, instead of them receiving a message from you days after they have opted-in. Now most affiliate programs or MLM's come with their own autoresponder service, but this is a personal one I'm talking about for your personal capture page. These are real easy to get and setup also. A few popular ones are from Aweber and GetResponse. Look them up and see for yourself which may be better for you, price and all.

4. Lastly, you need an advertising campaign or campaigns to promote this new capture page and newsletter of yours. People won't just find it on their own, much less know about it automatically right after you publish it. So you have to promote it with different advertising campaigns.

There's just a few must do's in order to build a profitable business online, no matter what your business is in and what you're trying to promote. If you've been into internet marketing even for a little bit, then may already know or have heard of these tips, but this is for all you who may not know or any newbies that may have trickled in.

Remember, people don't want to join your business, they want to join YOU and giving them what they want, by solving all of their problems will bring you success in the end and at the same time attract many others to you with credit card in hand.

Learn more about what I'm talking about here and become the hunted, instead of the hunter:

Also, learn how to build your business on a budget, like I do: http://viralurl.com/aramirez83/BuildingOnABudget

To Your Success,
Skype: aramirez83

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Knowledge Is Power...Especially in Internet Marketing

You know, internet marketers are always trying to find the "right" niche or product to invest in, when thinking about or starting up a new business. Whether it's their first attempt at starting an online business or just an additional stream of income they would like to see profit from, they are always "looking" for the right thing.

You see people have invested in the candle industry, health products, energy drinks, travel business, domain names, whatever. But, you know what I've found personally that most anyone in their right mind would invest in and could benefit from at the same time...Knowledge. That's right, knowledge. I'm talking about knowledge that can make you a better and more successful internet marketer or home based business owner, regardless of what your primary business is. Marketers cannot get enough of knowledge, especially with the kind of failure rate there is in this industry. Only %3 of people are doing it right, so every time you connect with someone new here on one of these social networks, the chances are they are failing or haven't earned a dime. They will lie to you, saying they have, but they really haven't, because the statistics show this.

What I'm getting at is, if you are one of the marketers that is always looking for an additional source of income and have always wondered what is the best thing to invest in...then it's knowledge. Not only will you benefit from your investment, but others will too, when they join you. And they will, once they understand what you have to offer and the small investment it takes to get in. This is one "product" that will sell fast! Marketers need it and they know it deep down inside, whether they admit it or not, they want to learn more to be a better marketer and business owner.

Okay, so now you're asking yourself..."Adam, what are you getting at and what's your point?" Well, I'll tell you what. It'll take a lot more typing from me and a lot more reading at your expense for me to explain everything here in this blog. So, I'll leave you all with this: www.mimonlinemagazine.com/adamaramirez

Now, be an open minded, positive person and go to that link, fill out the web form there and watch the next video that it'll bring you to. Watch it in it's entirety and get back to me. I will then answer all your questions or concerns.

Talk to you Soon!
Skype: aramirez83

There's a Secret to Internet Marketing...

That many of you may or may not know, but nonetheless...it's spreading and people are learning how to market the right way.

It's People...You'd be surprised how much you could learn off each other. Every new person you meet that either has his/her home business or is into Internet Marketing is another person who could provide you inspirational or a wealth of advice that could change your business situation forever! Especially if the advice or tips are free!

I'm not here to sell you guys anything. I'm here to help any and everyone who may be interested in getting some mentoring or guidance with their marketing. Because there is one thing I've noticed about everyone here who is trying to grow their business on these social networks, like MySpace. And what I see a lot is people trying to throw their product, banners, link, business opportunities, etc in everyone's face that they meet. All that does is scare them off and they'll never communicate with you again. Another thing...quit boasting about how much money you've made or have because of your businesses success. People love money, but ridiculous claims scare people. Pictures with cash in your hand, claiming to make ridiculous amounts of $$ in one week...it just pushes people away, because it's intimidating and it automatically puts up the "Scam Flag" on your page or business opp.

Anyway, I just recently ran into a successful home business owner/entrepreneur that has decided to take me under his wing and mentor me all the way through my marketing journey. I've learned quite a bit on how to market since then...the right way. This business is about people and people is who you need to be successful in this industry. Build relationships with everyone you meet and do not try and sell them your business or product right after they have just said "Hi". You'll never hear from them again.

Feel free to comment or ask me ANY questions. I'm always around ;)

Take care and Good Luck!

Adam Skype: aramirez83
You can also find me on MySpace and Facebook